Producing a clip for a million views

Story boarding is a life saver when time is tight

We were recently producing corporate video content for HSBC out in the Middle East as co title sponsors of the Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championships. Ever increasingly, part of our remit is to produce daily viral video content for distribution across all social media channels.

Two legends of sport

We had the rare opportunity to work with two great legends of their respective sports, current world number one golfer Rory McIlroy and Irish rugby legend Brian O’Driscoll. We were working around the concept of #anyonesgame with the idea that both Rory and Brian should try each others sport for fun. We only had a short timeframe to complete the filming as we only had limited time with Rory. However we knew exactly what shots we needed to make the film work even before Rory arrived, as we had produced a tight shot list in advance.

Storyboarding a Shoot

A lesson for all video production companies and film makers alike is the need to have a shoot well story boarded and thought out in advance. This really makes the best use of your time as often it runs away with you on shoots such as these as people get sidetracked.

One camera shoot

This film was shot on just one camera, a SONY F5 . We had to stage a few of the shots with Brian O’Driscoll after the event but we think they cut in pretty well. Brian was a pleasure to work with and very professional. The film was edited on location and turned around within a matter of hours for approval and distribution.

This film turned out to be one of the most viewed and shared pieces of social media that HSBC have produced to date. It has already been viewed over a million times on Rory McIlroy’s facebook page alone!

SPARKY FILM are very proud to have worked with HSBC for over a decade now.

Sparky Film Corporate Video Production

Our bread and butter is top quality video promotion for corporate brands in London and beyond. Given the right ingredients, many of these films go viral for clients, providing exceptional exposure.

Learn more about Sparky Film and our corporate video production company,